

In recent years, China’s collections have been turbulent, and many collections have greatly appreciated in value. Among them, one of the fastest and most appreciated varieties is coins, and the ancient coin collection army is also growing. At the end of the 19th century, my country's Qing Dynasty was weak, and Western European countries invaded China and searched for economic benefits. Most of the copper coins circulating in the coastal provinces of my country were foreign silver dollars, such as Mexican Eagle Ocean and Japanese Dragon Silver. In the first month of the thirteenth year of Guangxu, Zhang Zhidong, then the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, saw it here. He was the court, and proposed to set up a money bureau in Guangdong first, and then promote the whole country, use machines to make money and make copper coins, and resist foreign copper coins from monopolizing our domestic circulation. . In the fifteenth year of Guangxu, with the approval of the Qing court, the Guangdong Money Bureau was formally established. All the machinery and equipment required for coinage must be imported from foreign countries. Since then, my country has officially entered the era of machine coinage, and Guangxu Yuanbao was born. The coin was impacted by the imperialist industrial civilization. It can be seen that the integration of Manchu and Han culture and Chinese and Western culture in a small coin truly reflects the distinctive cultural characteristics of the Guangxu period. The collection and investment value is good.



Although the coins are small, they can also give a glimpse of society and culture. It is paved into the bone, mature and natural, deep typing mouth is clear, circulation traces are obvious, edge teeth pass through customs, dragon scales are clear, and it has extremely high investment value and collection value. It has historical influence, is a cultural relic of high value, and has far-reaching historical memorial significance; at the same time, it is still embarrassing in archaeology and research on Chinese history and culture.

The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in China. Guangxu Yuanbao, as the currency issued by the Qing Dynasty, acted as an important commodity medium at that time. As an exchange tool for commodity transactions or sales in the past, Guangxu Yuanbao not only has a relatively wide range of use value, but also exhibits extremely high collection value and textual value over time. It is a favorite of many coin collectors and research experts. The products I love show excellent market value. "Guangxu Yuanbao" is one of the top ten prestigious products of Chinese modern machine-made coins. Its layout design is elegant and unique, well-carved, and its existence is extremely rare. It is a kind of coin collection with the world’s most famous reputation. It is known as a fine coin. Inestimable academic and historical value. The Guangxu Yuanbao copper coin is known as the "life of collectibles", and is especially popular among the majority of coin lovers.


At the end of the 19th century, my country's Qing Dynasty was weak, and Western European countries invaded China and searched for economic benefits. Most of the copper coins circulating in the coastal provinces of my country were foreign silver dollars, such as Mexican Eagle Ocean and Japanese Dragon Silver. In the first month of the thirteenth year of Guangxu, Zhang Zhidong, then the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, saw it here. He was the court and proposed to set up a money bureau in Guangdong first, and then promote the whole country, use machines to make money and make copper coins, and resist foreign copper coins from monopolizing our domestic circulation. . In the fifteenth year of Guangxu, with the approval of the Qing court, the Guangdong Money Bureau was formally established. All the machinery and equipment required for coinage must be imported from foreign countries. Since then, my country has officially entered the era of machine coinage, and Guangxu Yuanbao was born. The coin was impacted by the imperialist industrial civilization. It can be seen that the integration of Manchu and Han culture and Chinese and Western culture in a small coin truly reflects the distinctive cultural characteristics of the Guangxu period, and its collection value is good.

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